Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Let me take you down, 'cause I'm going to...

I'm sitting here, surfing the web, enjoying my break, and noshing on the most delicious strawberries.

It amazes me how red and sweet real strawberries can be. So, I felt it imperative to remind everyone that it is strawberry season.
Don't miss out!! I encourage you to head to your local farmers market, which should be packed with delectable strawberries (until late morning when they have surely sold out) and pick some up.

Once you've had berries from the FM, you'll wonder what those red seeded things they sell at the grocery store are, because they certainly can't be strawberries. You, after all, have had strawberries. And they're not white in the middle.

*And, in case you couldn't place the title, the next line is "strawberry fields" from Strawberry Fields Forever by the Beatles (my favorite).

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